3 Ways to Input CSV Data

We Offer 3 Convenient and Intuitive Ways to Input CSV Data. Rest Assured, Your Data Only Loads in the Browser, Regardless of the Method You Choose.
Click to Select
The first method for inputting CSV data is the traditional click-to-select method. Simply click on the file upload area, and a file selection dialog will appear where you can choose a CSV or TSV file with the appropriate file extension. This is the easiest method if you already have a CSV file saved on your computer.
Drop Here
The second method is also a traditional approach. Simply drag and drop your CSV or TSV file onto the upload area to initiate the process. This method is useful if you prefer the convenience of not having to navigate through your files to find the CSV that you need.
Paste from Clipboard
The third method is AskCSV's unique and innovative input approach. If you don't have a CSV file or need to input CSV data directly from a website, this is the easiest way. Select and copy the data you want to analyze from your browser or software like Excel and Numbers. Then, click anywhere on the AskCSV screen and paste the data. Once you've pasted the data, the analysis dialog will appear.
Your Data is Safe with AskCSV
AskCSV was developed to help you analyze your data with AI while maintaining your security. We understand that data privacy is a significant concern for our users, and that's why we assure you that your data only loads in your browser, regardless of the input method you choose. You can trust us with your data and experience the new world of data analysis with AskCSV.